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Coming Up Next On #etvSmokeAndMirrors

Monday 24 June 2024Episode 51Phakathi unveils Mthetho’s killer to the public and renews Jaxon’s worries when he declares that he will now turn his energies to unravelling, the Sindi murder mystery.

Tuesday 25 June 2024Episode 52When Petunia asks about his hotel bills, Jerry announces he is producing a movie and will shoot it in Emnyameni. He invites her to be a part of it and once again dodges her requests for payment.

Wednesday 26 June 2024Episode 53Jaxon pitches the idea of framing Mthetho as a serial killer to Caesar. Caesar blasts him for wanting to destroy Mthetho’s legacy.

Thursday 27 June 2024Episode 54Mamiki does a terrible audition, but Jerry is impressed by her beauty. Petunia worries that he still has not paid his bill.

Friday 28 June 2024Episode 55Phakathi is tired of being blocked at every turn in the investigation into Sindi’s murder. He learns that Martha knows where Sindi is buried and convinces her to get him the burial location.

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